Personal Foundation
I was driving down the Gardiner Expressway several weeks ago, and suddenly I looked over and was shocked to see a brand new building being built in a spot that's in plain view. I've driven this route dozens of times in the past 6 months and never noticed it. How could that be? A building doesn't just pop up over night, does it?
For nearly two years, the developers have been working on the foundation of this building, doing the sometimes less noticeable, less flashy but vital work of foundation building. Weeping tile, electrical, plumbing, flooring (that's as far as I can go with this analogy, but you get the picture!)...all of the components that work together to create a strong solid foundation that will give the assurance, support, and safety for the structure that is to be built on top of it. It's essential. And when it's working right, you're barely aware of it.
It turns out that we need the exact same thing in order for our lives to be built strong: with the supports in place to keep us safe, sure, and able to focus on the more "fun" stuff, the building of our dreams. Dreams coming true also require foundations being solid. Yet somehow, this gets less promotion. I don't see many journals at Indigo that say, "Check your Finances" or "Get Rid of Tolerations”.
In our "follow your bliss" and "you can do anything" personally empowered and conscious creation culture, I worry that we encourage people to look up and ahead without looking down. I mean, who wants to spend time and money upgrade plumbing systems!? The problem is that when you avoid what needs to be taken care of, updated and restored, you risk that system being problematic later on down the road.
Similar to a complex building, our lives have unique component parts that make up a personal foundation. You may not have called it that before, but when you think on the analogy of the building, I'll bet you can name the parts that make up your own. It could be things like your physical space, caring for all aspects of your health and nutrition, your finances, your relationships, etc. Getting clear and taking a look at what you have in place that supports and sustains you—and making adjustments and investments in some key areas—will pay huge dividends going forward while you pursue your dreams, or just go about your day.
Putting it another way, what we resist and avoid will persist. Maybe foundation work isn't as fun or as glamourous, but it is the stuff that dreams are built on. Take a look down -- and around -- to see what you are standing on. What is in need of repair and care? It's an extremely loving act to bolster your foundation. The taller the building, the deeper the foundation. The taller the tree, the wider the root system. In order to grow in our life, we need to double down on our foundations from time to time. It's the strength beneath you that helps you to stand tall.
Marnee is hosting her FOUNDATIONS OF YOU: How to Stand on Solid Ground Workshop on Tuesday, January 31st at 6pm. For more information and to reserve your spot, visit the events page HERE.
About our guest blogger
Marnee Bruno is an expert in cultivating authentic voice and conscious leadership. She is a professionally trained coach with 15 years of experience, and works with visionary people and organizations who value and invest in individual and collective leadership development. She is a former Vice-President of a global corporation with 23+ years as a marketing leader, and has experience with start-ups, digital-first organizations, and agencies as well as some of the world’s most recognized and profitable brands.
Together with her husband, Massimo Bruno and daughter Francesca, Marnee divides her time between Canada and Italy.