Ask OMA: What are Your Go-To Cold & Flu Remedies?

November is here, and cold and flu season has officially arrived! Although immune health is important all year round, the colder months mean we are spending more time indoors, in closer proximity to others, and perhaps not getting as much physical activity or access to the nutrients we usually have in the warmer months.

So we asked our staff how they take care of themselves during this season; the tried and true, old faithful foods, remedies, or supplements that are their go-tos when they start to feel under the weather. Check out their suggestions below!

*Deep Immune Daily Immune Support Tonic, Vitamin C, and Bone Broth!

"My husband makes Turmeric Ginger Shots. He juices the turmeric and ginger with the juicer, then we freeze in ice cube trays. Thaw the ice cube in the fridge overnight, add the juice of half a lemon and a couple of drops of black pepper oil and shoot it down."

*Vitamin C with Lysine to help absorption, Vitamin D drops, and sometimes congee. I also use *Deep Immune.”

"I make batches of Ginger, Lemon and Honey concentrate and keep it in the fridge to add to hot water or tea, sometimes with a dash of cayenne.*Vitamin D daily and *Elderberry Syrup for when I feel like a cold might be coming on."

”I use *Deep Immune or Astragalus, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), *Zinc, *Vitamins C and *D, and *On Guard Oil Blend by DoTerra have been really helpful. For kids, *Elderberry syrup or Echinacyr(unda)/Astragalus, and *Vitamins C and *D. I find the Hydrasense Nasal Sprays are great too."

”My go-tos are Fire Cider, Bone Broth, and Ginger Lemon Tea with Honey and Cayenne. And Oil of Oregano is definitely on my list too!”

"I like taking Curcumin-Pro for general anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and Hawaiian Gandalf Spirulina for general immune system maintenance and boosting white blood cells."

"Rebekka from Alchemy Pickle Company makes a wicked Fire Tonic for the winter that is essentially garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, and hot sauce. Be gone germies! And Oil of Oregano shots help too."

"I usually swear by Oil of Oregano and extra Vitamin C."

”I take Echinacea and Cold-Pro Immune Formula, and lots of hot water with honey, lemon, and ginger.”

”Lots of Bone Broth and Chicken Soups! I like this broth “recipe” as a starting point to have on hand during the cold months. My other go-tos are this Chicken Noodle Soup and Arroz Caldo, which is a Filipino-style congee that I grew up eating during sick days when I was a child.”

Products marked with an * can be found at Oma. Give us a call at 416-469-0369 or email to check stock availability!


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