Settling Into Fall

When we think about September, most of us are caught in the whirlwind of back-to-school, new schedules and routines, and finding a system that works. And now that we are halfway through this month, where do you find yourself sitting on this spectrum of shifting and settling? Perhaps some of us have figured it out and are happily in the groove; others maybe not yet. Whether you have hit the ground running or are still testing out the waters, we are all in this together!

As we start to move toward the end of the year, it certainly feels like we are on a rollercoaster: we are starting the ascent up that major hill and about to go down into the unknown. There is a Swedish word that perfectly sums this up: resfeber, meaning “the tangled feelings of fear and excitement before a journey begins”. Our lives are filled with many journeys big and small, so this time of the year isn’t our first rodeo rollercoaster – but we can still treat it with as much care and attention as we would if it was.

Any time we hit reset, we are asking ourselves for a little overhaul: what can we declutter, make space for, or pause so that we have the room for what’s actually important to us? At Oma, rituals are so important: we celebrate recurring themes during the year, plan seasonal staff activities, and host annual community events. These rituals are what ground us in the face of uncertainty or overwhelm, and establishing them has always helped us to look forward. So if you’re in need of an extra safety harness as the rollercoaster rises to the top, then buckle up! Here are a few things you can ask yourself as you move forward into the next season and beyond.

What have you put energy and effort into over the last few months? In what ways are you benefitting from those efforts now?

In what ways have you grown over the year? How would you like to celebrate yourself?

What are 2-3 intentions you want to make for the rest of the year? What do you need to let go of to make these intentions happen?

*These questions were adapted from our Fall Equinox 2022 Workbook: Gratitude & Letting Go. If you’re looking for more introspection, you can download a free copy of it HERE.


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