Oma’s Mindful March Calendar 2022

Welcome to our 2022 Edition of Mindfulness March!

What exactly is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is when we are paying attention to our thoughts and allowing them to come and go as they please. We do not have to judge ourselves for having positive or negative thoughts; instead, we try and be present in this moment, exactly as it is.

What are the benefits of mindfulness?
- Increases self-awareness. You can better notice emotions and use your 'wise mind' to respond rather than reacting based on these emotions.

- Increases pleasure and well-being. Rather than ruminating on the past or worrying about the future, you are in the present moment.

- Helps focus your attention. You have more control over your thoughts, rather than your thoughts having control over you.

- You appreciate all that you have. You become aware of all the little things you may take for granted and the more significant things too, like family!

We invite you to download a copy of the March calendar and try to practice the daily activity if possible. There’s no pressure to do it every day, but we love that it may get you inspired to incorporate mindfulness in small but meaningful ways throughout the month. Feel free to post it in your home to share with the family or practice the activities alone or with a loved one.



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