Making Space - The Spring Clear Out

Spring is approaching, the mornings are brighter, and we think we heard a bird sing yesterday! 

For us, even this little promise of spring has us yearning for a lighter space for our work and for our clients that come here for some much-needed nourishment. 

As a team, we will be gathering to clear out, re-organize, and beautify the space where we spend quite a bit of time caring for ourselves and others. As we continue to renovate and expand here at OMA, the feeling of anticipation grows as the Spring Clear-out creates space for this growth. 

If creating lightness in your surroundings and making space for the new sounds as lovely to you as it does to us, you can join us! 

Here are the steps we will be taking: 

  • Clearing out clutter is a great way to break up stagnant energy and create a better flow. I’m sure you noticed that the energy feels stagnant or stuck when you walk past a cluttered area. You might even avoid this area of your home altogether. So instead of looking all over your home and becoming overwhelmed, choose one spot, whatever one you feel called to, and start there.

  • If it makes it easier to get started, set up a timer so that you know that there is an end in sight. This can be as short as 5 minutes or whatever it takes just to get started, as this is often the most challenging part. Put on some music!

  • When the timer is up, you can stop and come back tomorrow. If you are in the groove, keep going until this area is clutter-free - throw out what you don’t need or put it in a donation box and get it out of the way. Do not move unwanted items to another room/space. Know when it is something you don’t need and let it go. We don’t want to be creating new clutter areas!

  • Cleanse that area; yup, just that area. Sweep, dust, wipe. This is your opportunity to deep clean this space, such as wiping up surfaces, vacuuming dust, and getting behind any larger furniture.

  • Organizing is next. I don’t know about you, but this is the fun part for us. Start putting the items you loved enough to keep into its new spot. As you put things where they belong, it’s a good time to start thinking about any additional storage or items that would make this space more efficient so that clutter doesn’t start piling up again.

  • Take a moment to look at what you have done and really take in how the energy has shifted in this part of your home. Does it feel lighter? More free? How else do you feel when you look at the space you have created?

  • Now reward yourself and your newly clean space by lighting a scented candle or spritzing with an essential oils mist. We found some lovely recipes here; our favourite is a lavender, grapefruit, and mint combo. 

Don’t forget the last few steps, as these beautiful moments of reflecting and reward turn decluttering from a chore to a ritual. If you feel pulled to continue moving to your next area, do so. There is no right or wrong way to do a Spring Clear-Out; through a bit of trial and error, you will find the ritual that works perfectly for you!


Animal Chiropractic with Dr. Mishka


Oma’s Mindful March Calendar 2022