Dr. Adrienne's Camping Must-Haves

Here is a quick list of the TEN must-haves Dr. Adrienne always brings with her camping:
1. Essential Oils - Lavender + Peppermint + Terra Shield (I will pack a small tub of coconut oil and then drop a couple
drops in my hand to make a cream with it)
Lavender, I love for after a bit too much sun
Lavender and peppermint, I will mix together and straight put on bug bites (no carrier)
Terra shield for the bugs I rub everywhere, behind my ears, on my clothes!
Peppermint - I love to rub over all the sprained ankles but if I have my anti-flame which I usually do, I go use that first. Peppermint is also great for a fatigue pick me up. Get the fire going, boil some water and have instant peppermint afternoon tea.
2. Tune Up Balls
After nights of not sleeping in my bed, carrying packs and paddling - lying on these under the sun are as close to heaven as I can get
3. Rock Tape
#1 injury camping necessity - sprained ankles, I wont go camping without this tape - well this and the acupuncture needles I also pack, to help tone down swelling pain and get function back quickly - then tape that puppy up!
4. Colibiri Bags
I love these things for the obvious snack bags but I pack my toiletries in them. They are attractive and functional!
5. Nuun Electrolytes
Helps to keep you hydrated throughout the days and they taste amazing
6. Roller Water Bottle
Anything that has dual purposes like that, I am all for it. Hydration AND working out muscles - I experimented with it at Family Camp and it was a hit, everyone wanted one! What I would say with the metal interior, it is for an experienced foam roller! If this is your first foam rolling experience, try an actual foam roller first!
7. Druide Organic Natural Environmentally Friendly Soap
If you have the chance to shower in the lake (such a great experience) you need an Eco-Friendly soap. Don’t gasp but I this turns into an everything wash, hair included!
8. Lysine Pills and Ointment
I have been getting cold sores since I was about 13. I call myself the Queen of coldsores. I have tried everything (every medical ointment known) and the one thing that works if I get on it right away is the Lysine. I will not go anywhere where I have the potential of having too much sun without my Lysine packed. I take it in vitamin form the moment I feel that familiar tingling and then get some creme on it. (I like the attacking it from all sides approach!)
9. Leaves of Trees Deodorant
After days in the woods - just a little pick me up of this lavender deodorant makes me feel slightly human again. It is amazing, despite the camping stink, how effective it is!
10. Peppermint Headache Stick
The perfect size travel roll on if headaches should arise. Also a wonderful pick me up after a long day of paddling on all those pressure points.