The Summer Bucket List

What's on your bucket list for this summer?

While talking about summer plans with one of our practice members, the subject of summer bucket lists came up and we were totally inspired! We love the idea of having a fun to-do list that the whole family could enjoy to get the most out of the season.

But where to start? Although it's not a new concept, we thought of a few things that we hope can help make a list that reflects you and your family's values. Enjoy!

Make your list visually as simple or creative as you like.
This could look like a written list on your fridge, a large format poster on your wall decorated by the kids, or even a fancy printed one that you design on Canva. A Pinterest search can also give you some inspiration and ideas on what to put on your list.

What kind of activities do you want to include?
This is a great opportunity to ask each member 1-3 things they want to do this summer. Not only does it reflect each member's individual personality and tastes, but also fosters a sense of support and belonging - and will really personalize your list!

Ready to get started?
This site served as a great inspiration for us, but here are a few more ideas that can really streamline and help you create your list:

Get outside - a picnic, hike, or playing a game of soccer or baseball.
Have a water-themed day - a beach day, kayaking, or running through a sprinkler or at a splash pad.
Take a day trip - this site here has 52 ideas that are no more than 3.5 hours away from Toronto!
Get creative - visiting an art exhibit, attending a painting or pottery workshop.
Visit another country... - but if travel is not in the cards, try a new cuisine (at home or in a restaurant) or watch a foreign movie.
Take a trip down memory lane - do an activity that you or your partner enjoyed doing in the summer when you were younger.
Do a book or movie challenge - complete a book or a movie series.
Embrace your DIY streak - refresh a space in your home, plant a garden, or finally clean out your garage.

There are no rules as to how long the bucket list needs to be, or consequences if not all the items on your list are done. You can always add the incomplete activities to next summer, or compare how interests have changed over a year. The point is to create some no-stress excitement during a time when our schedules and routines change, and to have fun together as a family.

We want to know what's on your Summer Bucket List. Share by tagging @omachiropractic on
Instagram or Facebook with #omasummerbucketlist to show us what you and your family have planned. Here's to a fun season ahead!


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