Starting Therapy: What to Expect

By Janine Cole, Registered Psychotherapist

Starting therapy can be daunting, but at Oma, we strive to make you feel comfortable and at ease. Here’s what to expect during your first few sessions with one of our therapists:

No Pressure to Prepare: There’s no need to come with an agenda or specific topics. Therapy is about exploring whatever comes up for you in the moment.

Safe and Non-Judgmental Space: You’ll find a supportive environment where you can vent or share your thoughts without fear of judgment.

Getting to Know You: Your therapist will be curious about who you are and the experiences and people that have shaped you. They’ll ask questions to gain context and better support you.

Goal-Oriented Support: Your therapist will ask about your goals for therapy and will meet you where you are, focusing on your needs rather than imposing their own ideas.

Homework and Experiments: You might receive homework or suggestions for things to try between sessions, helping you integrate insights and practices into your daily life.

Building Trust and Rapport: Initial sessions, typically weekly for the first 3-4 weeks, aim to build a strong therapeutic relationship, which is crucial for achieving your goals. Your therapist is committed to empowering you to direct the support you need.

Reaching out for support takes courage. If you’re interested in learning more, read the bios and/or book a consultation with one of our therapists today. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


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