COVID-19 Clinic Safety Measures

Oma wants to reassure all of our practice members that our clinic is a safe environment for all to attend. Under the direction of all Regulatory Associations, Public Health, and Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, guidelines have been drafted to ensure the public’s safety. The safety of you, your family members and our staff is our number one priority.

Our booking procedures are modified to maintain physical distancing requirements that take priority over occupancy limits. As members of the public must adhere to the two metre distance rule, we have put measures in place to facilitate this, including utilizing two entrances and providing additional waiting areas.

Prescreening for Covid Symptoms – We will be sending out an online prescreen questionnaire before your first visit back since March 16. For each visit (for the time being) you will answer a verbal Covid screening or signed acknowledge form.

Sanitization Products - All sanitization products we are using follow the Health Canada guidelines from hand sanitizers, hand wipes, and disinfecting products and have the appropriate DIN numbers.

Cleaning schedule - At Oma, our practitioners and front desk staff will be disinfecting all areas of contact between each patient. Examples are but not limited to: treatment tables, massage tables, headrests, arm rests, laser machines, therapeutic tools, payment machines and pens.

Other contact surfaces such as light switches, door handles, taps, counter tops, and clipboards will be cleaned before and after each shift (every 4-5 hour period).

Appropriate PPE - We will all be wearing the necessary PPE essential including, but not limited to disposable masks & gloves (where required) and a plexi screen for the front desk.Proper PPE for each practitioner is mandated by our prospective colleges.We also require that each practice member while being treated should also be wearing a mask. 

Less to touch - We have for now, removed all books, magazines, toys, & paper receipts.

Cancellation Policy - We will still have our 24 hour cancellation policy in place, although are understanding of people experiencing COVID like symptoms. We will not charge anyone for a missed appointment who suddenly comes down with symptoms of an illness or a member of the family that requires immediate attention. 


Mindfulness March Calendar


Mindfulness March Calendar Guide