Letting Go

This month at OMA, the theme has been Let Go.

We know the expectations of January can feel overwhelming. We are asked to transform ourselves and find the ‘new you’ even during a pandemic, even during the biggest snowstorm in a decade, and—for some of us—while homeschooling. So we decided it was time to let ourselves off the hook from that narrative. Instead, what we really need is to let go of these expectations and anything else that feels too heavy as we navigate this new world. Quite possibly, we can also make room for some kindness and compassion and turn it inwards towards ourselves. 

If you feel the need to let go of anything that feels heavy, we have an activity that you can do, on your own or even with your kids. What can you let go of to make space for something that feels better to you in 2022? And again, if this feels like just another thing to add to the list of things to do, you can let this go too!

Let It Go Exercise: 
Grab a pen and paper and write down something you want to let go of; maybe it’s a thought, an idea, a belief, a person, a feeling, a dream, an object. Your writing can be as short as a sentence or as long as a letter; you do not need to filter anything.

When you are done writing, begin folding the paper. As you fold, notice any thoughts or feelings getting smaller, just like the paper. When you have a sense of being ready to let go entirely, it is time to release it. Here is how: 

  1. Bury your folded piece of paper. You can mark where it is with something lovely like a pretty rock or bury it in a special place. Maybe you want to make a ritual out of it by lighting a candle and playing meditation music.

  2. Burn it (note that children participating should be supervised by an adult). A fire-safe container, an empty kitchen sink, or ashtray usually works well for this. Turn on your fan or crack a window. If you’ve got a fireplace, throw it in.

  3. Tear it up into as many pieces as you can and throw it in a recycling bin. 

Now that you have let go, you have created an opportunity for new things to appear. Take a moment to decide what you want to bring in. That could be visualizing what you wish, drawing a picture, writing a story, or walking in nature. Take the time to take in what is coming in next. 

As always, allow yourself to feel gratitude for what you already have. What you are grateful for multiplies! 


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