The Importance of Filling Your Well

So many of us aren’t taking good enough care of ourselves. We’re busy parenting, working, tending to aging parents, and fulfilling other commitments.It feels like there isn’t time. But we need to MAKE time. You may have heard the saying ‘you can’t draw from an empty well’ – and it’s 100% true. You will FEEL better – and have more to give others – if you incorporate self-care, and time for YOU, into your routine.If you well is parched – or could simply use a top-up! – we’ve got an event coming up that will help you fill it.Join us at LOVE YOURSELF!Our annual LOVE YOURSELF event, which takes place Friday February 10 from 7:30 to 10pm, is all about connecting to self-care practices – and having some fun while we’re at it.You’ll spend the evening focused on YOU, and leave with tons of information and inspiration to help you incorporate – or augment – self-care practices on an ongoing basis.Our speaker this year will beDr. Lisa Watson, ND, who will share her knowledge on how to balance our hormones so we can feel more happiness and love. And we have a great lineup of guest and vendors, including:

Tickets are $15 each, with 100% of proceeds going directly toNellie's Shelter.Full details – and a link to purchase tickets – are available here.We hope to see you there!


The (power) struggle is real: how to peacefully parent a strong-willed child


Keeping Kids Healthy with Essential Oils, by Karen Kinch