Getting Through Cold and Flu Season

By Dr. Erin Coffey, ND

It’s February and we are well into the cold and flu season. This is the perfect time to think about our immune system and how we can ensure it functions in an optimal way. Here are a few things to consider for you and your family’s health during the winter months.

How the Immune System Works

Before looking into ways to improve our immune system, its important to know how it works in general. The immune system is made up of many cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous invaders. If this system is strong and working well, it can find and get rid of threats, which makes diseases less likely.

Food is Medicine

Eat a balanced and nutrient dense diet. The Mediterranean Diet encourages a range of fruits and veggies which are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your immune system needs to work well. Protein is also an important part of a healthy diet as it is what your immune cells and antibodies are made of and what makes the body better at fighting disease. The health of your gut is also critical as it is closely linked to the health of your immune system as a whole. Ensure you are getting both prebiotics in your diet and probiotics to keep your gut functioning in an optimal way.

Healthy Habits for your Immune System

  • Aim to get 7 to 9 hours of good quality sleep per night to support a strong defense system.

  • Stress can weaken immune cells, so be mindful of your stress level and take action to manage it.

  • Exercise, meditation, nature, and breathing exercises can all help our stress response. Supplements are also available that help manage and reduce stress. Exercise in particular has been shown to help boost the immune system. Try to make regular exercise a part of your routine.

  • Water is important. Staying hydrated helps the body get rid of toxins and keeps defense cells working at their best.

Supplements that Boost the Immune System

Getting enough Vitamin D is critical for ensuring your immune system works at its best. There are also a number of other supplements and herbs that can be extremely supportive through the season. They can be used preventatively and as support if symptoms appear. Finding out what is right for you is something that a Naturopath can help you determine.


Don’t forget to wash your hands well and often. Especially after leaving public places, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Clean and disinfect areas in your home that you touch often to help stop the spread of germs.

If you're looking for ways to support yourself with naturopathy, you can book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Erin to see how she can get you started. Book online and check availability by clicking here.


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