The Art of Nourishment

Once a month we have Family Treatment Day. This is a wildly vibrant day full of parents, kids, and a lot of noise - and we mean that in the best way possible. The theme this month was about embodying our ability to nurture ourselves, and the image that came to us was that of a seed in the soil. We all know how to nurture that tiny little seed. But how do we nurture ourselves? 

Nurture yourself by finding out what you need. 

Just in the same way it takes a bit of a green thumb to know what that tiny little seed needs to grow, we need to know our own wants and needs in order to bring them into our lives. Just like us, seeds need to be nurtured differently depending on what they will grow up to be. These needs may be more than just the basic necessities of sun, good soil, and water. Do you need space, quiet, or strong support? Are you able to listen inward and discover what you need to feel nurtured? 

Nurture yourself by giving yourself what you need. 

To nurture means ‘to feed or nourish’, and while we all know the importance of giving our body nutritious food and lots of water, we believe this can extend past the physical body. You can feed your soul too. How often are you doing the things that you love? How often are you getting the rest that your body needs? 

Quite often we feel guilty or selfish by focusing on ourselves, but when we ignore our own needs, we end up depleted. We would never expect a seed to thrive without the nourishment it needs. Sometimes we need to be the one to ensure we are getting our needs met, so we need to lean toward the sun to fill ourselves up. 

Nurture yourself with the help of others. 

In indigenous communities, corn, squash, and beans are planted together. These crops help each other grow when planted side by side, giving them the name ‘three sisters’. We know this as companion planting, where planting mutually beneficial plants next to each other to yield a better harvest. 

Just as these plants thrive when they are planted together, we thrive in the community. A strong network of support is essential nourishment for our mind and spirit. How often are you allowing your community, the people in your life, to support your growth? Do you spend enough time with the people you love? 

Make a plan. 

Start by making a list of your needs - the things that you know will bring your body, mind, and soul deep nourishment. Sometimes making a list is enough to inspire us to start bringing things that are important to us back into our lives. If you still need more, pick just one of your needs and see if you can make one small shift in that direction each day. We know with our busy lives it can be hard to make huge changes, which is why we say start small. For example, if reading is what feels like nourishment to you right now, how can you fit in a few minutes a day? 

Below you’ll find the handout we shared with the kids on Family Treatment Day. Maybe there are some kids in your world who would love to see it, as it certainly sparked a lot of beautiful conversations. We think it’s wonderful to teach the importance of nurturing ourselves at such a young age, and we hope you’ll agree and share the love too!


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